Electrical installations in communities of neighbours

Instalaciones eléctricas en comunidades de vecinos Installations elécticas in good condition by the security of all the community

The inspection of the electrical installations of low tension regulates by the Regulation Electrotécnico for Low Tension (REBT) and his Complementary Technical Instructions (ITC), published in the Royal decree 842/2002 of 2 August, and that derogated the anterior Regulation of the Royal decree 2413/1973, and establishes the following obligations that affect to the communities of owners:
Each 5 years:
Garages with more than 25 vehicles.
Swimming pools with upper installed power to 10 KW.
Lighted up external with upper installed power to 5 KW.
Each 10 years:
Common zones of the edifice from 100 KW of installed total power.
REGARDING the deposits of diesel of the communities of owners, govern by the Regulation of Oil Installations, modified by the Royal decree 1523/1999 of 1 October, and his Complementary Technical Instructions MY-IP.03, published in the Royal decree 1427/1997 of 15 September, that refer to the oil installations of own use, and are obliged to the following inspections.
Each 10 years:
Inner deposits of upper capacity to 3.000 l.
External deposits of upper capacity to 5.000 l.
Besides, each 5 years will have to effect a periodic review that it can be carry by an installer authorised, or by the mantenedor.
The deposits of minor capacity, each 10 years will have to effect a periodic reviewby installer or mantenedor authorised.
On the other hand, the installations buried are obliged to make tests of estanqueidad with this periodicity:
Each 5 years:
Pipes buried.
Tanks of storage that are not of double wall with automatic detection of escapes neither are buried in cubeto tight with tube diver, will have to make the test so much in deposit as in pipes, being able to carry with product in the tank and the installation in operation.
Each 10 years:
The tanks of storage of the anterior group will have to do a test of estanqueidad, in empty tank, clean and desgasificado, after visual examination of the inner surface and measurement of thicknesses.

Who can do the inspections?

These statutory periodic inspections only can be made by technical personnel qualified by his formation and experience, pertaining to any one of the Organisms of Control Authorised (GOOSE).

Why it is recommended to have always the inspections in force?

The communities of owners titled of the installations have the obligation to maintain them in good condition and spend the inspections and reviews established by the Administration. In the first place, the fulfillment of this rule of security will avert cuantiosas fines, and second, without being less important, will contribute tranquility to the comuneros, because some installations with all the compulsory inspections in force, are some sure installations.

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